Lara’s Year In Review

By Lara, January 21, 2025

Read time: 2 Mins

Lara’s Year In Review Image

2024 started with dyed hair and a lengthy list of goals that will somehow lead to you being happy.

Sitting with friends around a firepit burning your wishes, goals and regrets.

You were “relaunching”, for the umpteenth time. Hopefully, this time would be the last. 

You fell in love with new places. From big cities to outback towns. Multi-lane highways and red dirt back roads.

The bright lights of the Eras Tour changed your life, but so did the stars on a quiet country night.

Heaps of sunset pictures.

In these places, you fall in love with the same people.

Family, who still surprises you after literally all your life.

Acquaintances you barely knew became your inner circle.

Friends you’d drifted from came back closer than before.

Colleagues make work actually enjoyable.

You think this is the best job you ever had, and maybe ever will have. 

There were new rituals.

Tuesday morning breakfast with your friend of 10 years, frequently followed by op-shopping.

Thursday morning training by the lake.

Watching the moon drop into the misty water and the sunrise in all its amber glory.

You never would have guessed you’d be here, but here you are.

It’s magical.

You didn’t take many pictures, or make any posts, but you keep the memories.

Discovering your sisterhood of travelling pants was a second-hand shirt that miraculously fit various bra sizes.

Ubering covered in fake blood to a Halloween party. 

Losing the UNO tournament but winning Secret Santa bowling.

Doing bad karaoke in a pub you’ve never been to before.

All this but you didn’t reach your goals.

Your screen time was higher than it should.

You didn’t always eat healthy.

You wasted a lot of time in your head. But you have something better than goals for 2025, direction. 

You found yourself right where you were, the job you used to think was just a step in your path feels like your endgame.

The friends you thought were friends for life were not, but you found them in unexpected places.

You learnt to be braver.

You learnt that being alone isn’t scary, that it doesn’t matter if you can’t sing karaoke is about having fun, that sport is actually for you and you don’t have to be perfect first try.

You no longer feel the need to be someone else.

You end 2024 with your natural hair and a lengthy list of plans that may or may not make you happy, but you feel confident enough to figure it out either way.

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