My Dreams And Real Life Are The Same And I Can’t Tell The Difference

By Fluff Editorial, October 28, 2019

Read time: 1 Min

My Dreams And Real Life Are The Same And I Can’t Tell The Difference Image

And it’s starting to scare me.

I used to dream about weird things. Not real things. Like collecting clouds like fairyfloss and owning 1 million puppies and marrying a frog prince and being a gazillionaire.

Now I dream about meetings I’ve just been in or have the next day, about being late to the appointment I have in the morning, about conversations with friends I’m meant to be having, the wedding speech I’m meant to be giving, or swimming at the beach where I’m staying.

They’re so real that it’s all so confusing.

I wake up not knowing if I’m remembering or if I’ve been dreaming.

I don’t feel like I’ve slept. I feel tired and heavy and groggy and sad and confused.

I want to go back to dreaming about pink clouds and too many puppies and being rich. It felt safe there.

Does this mean I’m scared of my reality?

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