My year of introspection.
I fought with self love a lot.
It was hard to love myself when I didn’t feel beautiful.
But what does being beautiful even mean.
When I didn’t feel pretty I told myself beauty transcends the superficial:
The flawless complexion.
The perfectly sculpted physique.
It resides within the depths of our souls,
in the kindness I extend,
in the compassion I cultivate,
in the authenticity I embrace.
Maybe 2024 taught me that self-love is not about vanity or arrogance, but rather a deep and abiding respect for the unique individual I am.
It was about recognizing my inherent worth,
celebrating my strengths,
acknowledging my flaws without judgment.
I somewhat feel free from the shackles of societal expectations, but I am still learning to embrace my authentic self.
I am a multifaceted gem, radiating from within and illuminating the world around me.
I am beautiful.
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