What is the meaning behind cleansing?

By Holli Walsh, April 8, 2020

Read time: 2 Mins

What is the meaning behind cleansing? Image

The dictionary defines it as the ‘intention to clean something thoroughly, especially the skin’. What do I think the definition of cleansing is? Good question. I’ve got no solid answers. But while I sit here thinking and trying to juice the deepest and most beautiful sentence, I simply can’t. To me, all I can think of it as is to strip something away. Violently, sometimes maybe even painfully. When you wash your face, you’re trying to break down and get rid of the dirt and oil that is useless and creating more harm than good on your delicate skin. Sometimes, beauty is pain. To get that vibrant, glowing skin, you scrub and you endure the painfulness presented by a ‘gentle on the skin’ cleanser that blatantly lied to you. Anything for that refreshing, oh-so-dreamy skin. 

I think what I am trying to say is; it’s a metaphor. the dirt and oil you’re trying to get rid of and detoxify can present as some challenges in your life. Maybe a friend or a lover. Maybe a place or an inanimate object. Maybe even so yourself in general. 

In my case, it’s my mental health. The constant battle to cleanse myself of anxiety and depression my broken brain produces. To make myself a picture perfect girl who has no problems or worries at all. The girl everyone wants to be friends on Facebook and party with carelessly. The girl that I so badly wish I was. Instead, I’ve spent the last 4 years or so stuck in therapists, doctors and psychiatrists waiting rooms wondering if they are going to be the one to cure me of these illnesses. Spoiler alert; they weren’t. 
Anyway, back to the point. I spent so long trying to scrub away the illnesses and rush the recovery process to get that healthy and vibrant mind back. After years of thinking things would never change or get better, I got put on medication and guess what; things changed and got better. Cleansing doesn’t always happen instantly. It won’t magically make a difference after finding a four leaf clover or a dollar on the ground. It doesn’t happen over night. Cleansing can be a painful and long process. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies. That’s all bullshit. Trust the process and most importantly; trust yourself.

You are beautiful, you are deserving and you are loved. 

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