wHo’S mOsT LiKeLy tO bE aNgRy aLl tHe tImE?

By Lovelle Villaluz, May 10, 2020

Read time: 1 Min

wHo’S mOsT LiKeLy tO bE aNgRy aLl tHe tImE? Image

I have so much anger!!!!!!!!!!

towards the world! towards people! towards me. 

it feels like there’s a hole in my chest, I feel like I’m getting eaten alive. 

In my heart it hurts so much, it’s heavy, it’s like my heart has been stepped on.

Not like a simple step but like an intentional stomp. 

an intentional stomp that screams “I hate you I hate you I hate you”

whether if it is my blood boiling or all the ice coffee I’ve been drinking, I feel so sick to the stomach. 

it’s so hard, I feel like I’m a ticking time bomb, easily aggravated, barely able to hold myself together. 

blasting a random song on repeat, hoping it will flood out the horrible thoughts I have, the hardest thing right now is holding my tears back, it’s a physical fight between me, myself and I.

I just feel like I shouldn’t be feeling what I’m feeling.

I feel like I’m overreacting????????

So don’t worry about it, I’m okay

I’m just tired,

I’ll get over it. 

It’s just another day of my life. 

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