Jorja’s 2019

By Jorja Watts, January 7, 2020

Read time: 3 Mins

Jorja’s 2019 Image

Got into an Uber with strangers because they said they had a Labrador puppy at home. It wasn’t a trap. The puppy was adorable. I would do it again. 

Welcomed the new year. Twice. 

Ate curry. More than I knew could exist. 

Became a teacher for a day. The class was out of control. Teachers deserve a pay rise.

Experienced snow for the first time. It was crunchier then I expected. 

Travelled with strangers from the internet. It was the best decision. 

Danced in the snow. During an outdoor evening music festival. I was cold.

Tried to learn to code AI. It was hard. I cried.  

Met a cat. We shared a name. 

Rode on a typical American yellow school bus. It made me far too happy. 

New York. 

Forgot to organise a place to live. Stayed on my friends couch. 

Stressed. About unworthy things. 

My grandma turned 80. My grandpa threw a party. It warmed my heart. 

Experienced snow for the first time. It was crunchier then I expected. 

Sat my final university exam. Passed. 

Said goodbye to our family dog. She was so generous and gentle. I miss her. 

Tried oat milk. Fell in love. To the disgust of my dairy farmer relatives. 

Worried about how my teeth looked. Got Invisalign’s. 

Drove in torrential rain. Slid off the road and crashed. 

Twirled my hair into knots. Stress knots, thinking knots and tired knots.

Marie Kondo’ed my instagram. Unfollowed accounts and people who didn’t bring me joy.  

Changed job. housing. education. and what felt like, everything. 

Was listening to a conversation on the tram about game of thrones. Blacked out. Strangers helped me get up off the floor. I had a delayed concussion. 

Turned a year older. Celebrated with friends. Two of them met and started dating. It made me very happy. 

Loud purrs. Little toe beans.

Found my soul [house]mate. She is sunshine. 

Surrounded by incredible businesses run by women.  

Stopped taking naps regularly. I miss them. A lot. 

Went back to therapy. Forgot how amazing it is.

Took my fur baby to work. She loved it. People thought taking a cat was weird. 

Family grew by three brand new faces. 

Wasn’t afraid to tell people I was sad. Sometimes they were sad too. I didn’t know.  

Threw my graduation hat. It wasn’t worth the boomerang. Or the student debt. 

Reached out to people I trust for advice. They were helpful. 

Love Songs.

Asked for footwear advice. Wore boots. Every single time.  

Hugged the people I love. Hugged some I didn’t.

Missed my dad. A lot.  

Started wearing sunscreen as often as I should. Everyday. 

Attended multiple beautiful weddings. Avoided catching the bouquet at all. 

Felt lost. 

Downloaded tiktok. Wasted far too much time. 

Changed my view on change. Realised it is good. 

Identified what I value. Helped me find meaning. Made me want to change. 

Appreciated those that are close to me. 

Said yes to opportunities.

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