How To Play With Your Best Friend At Playtime

By Bea, October 4, 2019

Read time: 1 Min

How To Play With Your Best Friend At Playtime Image

Part 1.

Once upon a time there were two girls named Bea and Dori.

I am Bea, I am 5 and my best friend Dori is also 5. I also have a best friend called Martha but this story is about Dori and I. 

We like to play in the little corner of the playground. 

We play a game called dead by daylight.

Dori is the tagger and chases me. Sometimes other friends play too. I have to run around, and we run away from Dori as she chases us. We can duck so she can’t tag us.  

When I get tagged I get put onto the hook. Sometimes people save me.  

The first one to get tagged is it.

What I like about Dori:

I like that she lets me play with her, and always lets me choose what we play. 

Pt 2.

One time when we played dead by daylight, I fell over but it didn’t hurt. I showed the teacher and they wanted to give me a bandaid and I said no. Then we kept on playing. 

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