By Uusi
New Moon – Cleansing, Creativity, Beginnings.
The Moon – Earth’s soulmate and eternal companion – has charmed and affected all life on this planet since the beginning of time. Its quiet hold on us is profound, and for this reason we felt our tarot wouldn’t be complete without it. Used as a timing element within a reading, or simply as a meditative card, we hope that the power of the Luna cards’ simple, direct imagery deepens the experience of your tarot readings.
From Nothingness came Life. The New Moon is the first phase in the lunar cycle and is a reminder of that ancient birth. It is a cleansing, healing moon. A time to give thanks to your creative spirit that births all of the worlds you create – new ventures, ideas, and journeys, and to honor them with beignings. The powerful darkness of the New moon is also an ideal time to set out any objects that you intend to use in the month ahead to visualise a project you would like to see brought to life.
Nine of Pentacles. Genius, Intellectual, Material Wellbeing.
A grape vine has been formed into an upward-reaching chain, at the top of which sits a hooded falcon. From the bottom branches of this vine small clusters of grapes hang, ripe and heavy, almost touching the ground. Moving up the vine, in place of fruit, nine beautifully woven medallions have been attached to its branches. Every element of this vine has been carefully integrated, cultivated, and refined to a peculiar, indivual beauty. No one would dare pick those grapes for fear of disrupting their curated and enormously valuable scarcity, nor would one remove a single disc without concern for destroying the precious, deliberate balance created by their placement. And at the top of this intellectual construction, the hooded falcon sits, patiently waiting for the lonely secret of intuition. The Nine of Pentacles is the card of genius. Here, the emotion of interest reigns: intimidating, strange, extravagant, and withdrawn, lying in suffering promise.
The Chariot. Victory, Focus, Physicality.
A strong and purposeful sense of movement and a feeling of Carpe Diem are manifest in The Chariot card. Here resides our warrior-self – focused, controlled, and fed by a force of will determined to be victorious. So consuming is this desire that it can hold sway over our environment, and like the rider to his chariot, our entire being melds into it. His sinuous body flows down into his two-wheeled vehicle as if they were one, and at his waist he is encircled by the carved wings of an eagle – the symbol of triumph. He fully inhabits his position of power and soars.
But to gain from power you have to know yourself well. The Charioteer, though clearly focused, is not obsessed. There is a natural ease to him that embodies a winning confidence. He does not need to prove himself. He simply needs to hold his ground – and by doing so lends clarity to his cause that both calms and energies those around him. Even the two wilful creatures that pull his chariot are happily directed and employed by his service. There is also a sense of mystical about this card. Draped over The Charioteers shoulder is a robe of blue – the colour of eternity -that flows behind him like a gust of wind blown from the heavens above. And to those skies he lifts his staff, formed at the end by a divinatory shape, an open channel to the gods, that seem to say: “From his lips to Gods ear!” And the universe answers back through the shining star that sits in the laurel wreath on his head: “Victory!”
The World. Completion, rejuvenation, achievement.
This is where one journey ends and another begins. The last card in the Major Arcana lifts us out of ourselves, above the world. We are connecting and melding into an unfathombaly large, unifed entity. We are no longer individuals. We have moved into a collective consciousness made up of all the memories of all its parts. Every little atom of that enormous being holds a memory, one that aches with billions of individual memories of how it was. As that gaseous, milky, cosmic cloud envelops us, right before we disappear into it, we smell the tall, green grass as we lie down and look up at the soft, blue sky above, watching the clouds drift. We remember that glorious feeling of being small and wondering at the mystery, the beauty, and awe inspiring complexity of this irrepplceable world we are given. We want to go back there. We would give anything to go back there. And in the small bulge of the angels belly wishes are made manifest. From nothing we will return again into Being. And our journey will begin again.
Queen of Pentacles. Generoisty, Presperity, Status.
Walking barefoot through her realm, The Queen of Pentacles wears a gown of soft, pink silk covered with an elaborately woven woodland corset, a commanding rams head as her crown – a symbol of strength and leadership. A charitable beauty who governs wityha. protective and generous spirit. She delicately holds a wild rose in one hand and in the other an intricately woven medallion – nature and humanity elegantly intertwined. At her fieet sits a small, black rabbit with whom she is sharing a glance. The Queen has known good fortune and has guided its rewards wisely. There is a heightened sensitivity to beauty in all its forms and a steady, ordering hand at work within this queen.
King of Cups. Deep Wisdom, Calm, Loving.
CVrowned with coral – the sea’s bones of the past that build future homes – The King of Cups is a Neptune-like figure. His throne is surrounded by water – all rivers of the earth meet him in his realm and flow out to the sea beyond. The King of Cups luxuirats in his sacred, visionary dreams. In his mind’s eye he journeys across oceans of water, space, and time. He goes there with his eyes gently shut – listening, listening, trusting… the sound of breath moving in and out like the sound of the sea, lulling, comforting, transporting… finding treasure in his minds depths and brining it back across seemingly impossible, endless seas in just one breath. But treasures stirred up from the deep that find their way to our shores can bring good as well as difficult things our way. The King of Cups lesson is one of understanding, trusting in the ephemeral nature of things so we cans eize the moment, and also, more importantly, knowing how to release the moment. Natuee ahowas this to us every day. Accepting your gifts and allowing yourself to give them away, knowing they will come back again in another shape, multiplied. Learning to love begins with learning to let go. Patiently learning to bear the heaviness allows you to float.
Nine of wands. Breakthrough, Objectivity, Positive Change.
Upon a grassy knoll, nine wands stand like a fortress built to keep out anything that might come from a land beyond those distant mountains. This is a lonely, protective barrier of defense put in lace to keep the world at bay – and an attempt to control elements far greater than ourselves. It is a fearful, shortsighted effort that, in the end, only diminishes all that we hoped to protect and all that we had worth having.
moves. Everything touches everything else, and the ground beneath the wands proves this by cracking open and dividing their line. In the process, a tall wand behind to fall. If we sanf with our fists clenched against the world, our battle will be hard and futile, But if we release our grip and open ourselves up to pain and discomfort, we will gain self-knowelge and a wider view of the world that will take us infinitely further, giving back more than any small plot of protected ground could have.
Ten of Pentacles. Family, Legacy, Wealth.
Two large and loyal wolfhounds stand as sentries on a mound outside an estate – protectors and symbols of high social and professional standing within their realm. These regal dogs are the safeguards of a dynasty that has been cared for with an eye to the future; wealth, comfort, and a legacy in the making have been carefully considered.
Family is the theme of the Ten of Pentacles; it is the stage most of us play out our lives on. These are the people who know us best, whose companionship, safety, and well-being we prize – and to whom the gifts of our labor are guided and rewarded. Whether that family is built of bloodlines or friendship, it is trust, it is loyalty, and the love that are the ties that bind. To imagine a future that gives back and provides for generations to come is to consider it with respect and generoisty – it is about moving past selfish motives and short term goals to a larger, more encompassing plan that provides for the whole, not jus tthe individual.
Eight of Wands. Duality, Purpose, Gains.
There is a forceful sense of movement and activity in the Eight of Wands. All of those wands, shooting down from the sky at once, appear threatening in contrast to that peaceful valley. But it is exactly what this duality of experience – the calm serenity of the rolling hills and the wondering river against the shooting speed of the wands- that enegrizes the intent of this card. There is a great sense of purpose approaching, a goal or dream about to be realised, and The Seeker will need to be swift and strong – but at the same time manage to keep that force from becoming too aggressive, so that all is not spent in one furious moment. Much effort has been made here to either awaken The Seeker from a meandering path and/or to aide him in moving through an imposing obstace. To respect this effort and gain the rewards, ab attention to balance is necessary.
Two of Swords. Objectivity, Crossroad, Decision.
Two swords are crossed over a dead-calm sea. A sense of foreboding drifts down upon this scene. A question has been posed, and that question is calling for us to reason through an event or decision that has brought us to a full stop and to look for a fair and balanced response as to how to proceed. A white cloth weaves between the two swords under a crescent moon, suggesting a part of the answer is hidden from us, and the answer may be difficult to define.
We are at a crossroads. It is time to rise about our situation and search out a place or person of objectivity where wise counsel can be heard and met. We need to remove ourselves from the emotional realm and cast an analytical eye over the issue, so it can be resolved and we can move forward.
The Empress. Disciplined, Loving, Fertile.
A sense of purpose and a strong sense of self govern this card. Here, also, is femine energy at its most creative, fertile, and fiercely loving. Protection and self-control thinly veil an element of sensuality and compassion. This is a woman cloaked in a beguiling mixture of material abundance and world knowledge, corseted by responsibility and hard work. Trust plays a strong role here, Loyalty is sought and won. This is a woman understood. No shadowy path or secret veil for her.
The Empress sits in plain view upon a modest throne, whose beautiful simplicity and natureless echo her own. Her right arm holds, with sovreignty, a staff with a glass orb in a branching clasp – the tool of a visionary, giving hints of a wilder witchcraft employed. This is a person of great determination and many hidden skills, who will see her plans through to the end, no matter the cost – and who will use whatever means she has to protect all that she holds true and dear.
Ace of Swords. Indiviudality, Prestige, Leadership.
There is something inherently human about the suit of the swords. It is here that we move into ourselves and experience our humanity in all its wonderous complexity and contradictions. The Ace of Swords is the start of that exploration. Here, above the snow-capped mountains, a hand holding a sword bursts out of the clouds. We have staked our place in the world. The individual has arrived. This is a card of leadership and strength of character. The elightenemnet of our minds is symbolized in the golden crown that glows above the mountain peaks. Dangling from either side of it are garlands of victory and prestige. Floating down from the sky ar small leaves from the Tree of Knowledge. This is not so much a card of conquest over others as it is over ourselves. Discovery of our inner resources reflected in a powerful assertion of identity and purpose.