Will I really find someone

By Alice Mcdonald, September 20, 2021

Read time: 1 Min

Will I really find someone Image

on [redacted] dating app?

Probably not. But hey, I’ll be optimistic.

I matched with a girl who said her name was Alice. 

I said great! Me too! My name is Alice. 

She responded “My name is not actually Alice”. 

Great start – Hang onto that optimism, Alice! 

Someone had curls, “Curls get the girls” to which I replied,  

Scrolled down and to my surprise, it was just a one-off rendezvous with a hot iron, hair as straight as the line I’m trying to scale, 

I’m still optimistic! I wail. 

These silly little online interactions can’t stop what feels like my eternal single phase, But these silly little interactions are the actions that I so merely crave. Yeah, it seems like a flop, but the optimist sees it as not a mission but a journey, Singles; hold onto that bright eyed bushy tailed likeness, 

These times are hard and the endless swiping is more and more indicting what is escaping our lonely hands.  

You don’t need to be the optimist, but we can try. 

We can cry and die a little inside . 

But hear my words ring true, 

True love does eventually find you.

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